Designs of various products can be registered, including computers, telephones, CD players, textiles, jewelry, and watches.
Registered designs only protect the appearance of the product, such as the appearance of a computer monitor. The operation method of the design product does not protected by Registered designs, but protected by patent laws. And computer software is protected by copyright laws.
The owner of a registered design has the right to prevent others from manufacturing, importing, using, selling, or renting out the design products.

Formality Examination

Patent Term
25 years from the filing date

International Priority
Within 6 months from the first filing date

Patent Annuities
every 5 year
- A copy of specification and a set of formal drawings or photographs shown front, rear, right, left, top, bottom, and perspective views of the subject matter.
- A brief description of the subject matter.
- The name and address of the inventor/applicant.
- A certified copy of the priority document if claiming for a priority right.